As a convert care support and advocacy organisation The Convert Muslim Foundation (CMF) receives enquiries for support from far and wide thereby highlighting the need for new Muslim support. We would like to make this wonderful spiritual journey you have embarked upon as easy and comfortable as possible and, in doing so, remove barriers to finding dedicated support. It is important to appreciate however, that the journey is one that has its challenges which can be wide and varied but, by building a strong personal relationship with God that is sincere and meaningful will carry everyone through any difficulties that may arise.
We use this information firstly to help locate support in your locality that is specific to what you are looking for, but secondly to be able to monitor usage of the website and tailor our services according, for example what stage in your conversion you are seeking assistance, contact details so we can follow up if needed.
Convert Care currently works within the UK. We do also have some connections with organisations in Europe but they are not listed within the directory. See International convert care
On receiving a request to register from a new organisation, we review the application before adding to the directory. We do not indepentantly validate the information provided on initial application. However, Convert Care will be working with all the organisations to assess the support provided and to verify the authenticity of each as well as actively engaging in capacity building & collaboration to ensure their success.
If you feel the need to establish verification before engaging with an organisation please do not hesitate to contact us on 07401378632 or at:
A very talented photographer, Ilyas Foy, kindly donated his work for use on our site, his work covers a comprehensive range of locations in the UK from our capital to iconic sights of the white cliffs of dover.
Convert Care facilitators usually operate on a very tight budget and are principally dependent on donations from sympathisers, based on the broad moral framework in Islam, to support the work they do on behalf of Islam and the Muslim community. Ideally, unless the organisation is one that deals specifically with providing Aid i.e. Muslim Aid, Islamic Relief, National Zakat Foundation, Human Appeal – to name but a few. Should such support be required application must be made to an Aid organisation whose funds are drawn from the generosity of the community in the form of Sadaqa and Zakat (charity) which is then transferred, by means of application and circumstance, to those in need.
Please contact us by email: letting us know of your concerns or your thoughts as to how we can improve this facility and we will address them with immediate effect. We have a number of policies and procedures in place to deal with concerns that may be brought to our attention.
If there is something you think we have overlooked, or that you feel could be added to the menu of services included here, please do get in touch and share your ideas. This way we can continue to improve and develop convert care services for all those who will benefit from them through the years ahead while we can all enjoy the blessings of this Sadaqa Jariyah (ongoing charity) into the future.
Contact us through the contact us section of the website.
The Convert Muslim Foundation seeks to serve you to the best of our ability and as far as our resources will allow. Using our experience in working in the field of convert care, we are delighted to bring you this website and hope that you will enjoy using it and that you will find what you need to propel you forward on your amazing journey. We pray that, with Allah as your guide, you will enjoy this wonderful spiritual journey, all the while, showered by His blessings.
This convert care website has come to fruition after considerable time spent contemplating how to pave a way forward for converts to Islam to access the support and guidance they so rightly deserve, having made the huge leap of faith required to pursue their chosen spiritual path.
The Convert Muslim foundation is a CIO registered with the charity commission in the UK No: 1187573. You can support our work here: Donate to CMF