International convert care

This directory is specifically designed for use in the UK, however through our work we have access to a wider network of convert care organisations which will be listed below:

Please note, we do not formally endorse any of the organisations below

Latino American Dawah Organization (LADO) Springfield, Illinois

A central part of their outreach efforts is channeled into correcting common misconceptions about Islam and Muslims, addressing the emotional needs of new or potential Muslims, providing support for how to tell non-Muslim friends and family about their conversion, and giving people the strength to embrace Islam and embody Islamic teachings.

Website: The LADO Group website

Care 4 converts, Sacramento

As a new convert to Islam, it is important to take the time to learn about and understand the teachings and practices of Islam. We are here to help you on your journey.

As you learn and grow in your faith, it is important to seek guidance and support from the Muslim community. You can find support and guidance through Islamic centers, like SALAM, and through Muslim friends and family members.

Salaam Centre website

Convert Care Libertyville, Illinois

In an effort to continuously serve all of IFN's community members, Imam Azfar and a support team have volunteered their time and resource to help those who are new to the fold of Islam.

Website: Islamic Foundation North website

Rabata, Ohio

At Rabata, our goal is to help new and veteran convert Muslim women bring their whole selves to Islam. Through publications, workshops, and mentor-ship, Rabata is proud to provide a place where Islamic education, spiritual upbringing and community care intersect for wholesome, joyful living. 

website: Convert Care RABATA

Emrace, Texas

Embrace: A Project of ICNA is a convert led initiative which serves is to empower, integrate, and serve our Muslim convert community by providing safe social and educational spaces which encourage growth, shape their Islamic identity, and equip them with knowledge they need for their lifetime journey.

website: Embrace Reverts

Centrum de Middenweg, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Located in the heart of Rotterdam and now a home base for many for 9 years. Centrum De Middenweg is unique in its 'place for everyone' approach. Have you just repented or have you always been a practicing Muslim? Everyone is welcome! We are a multi-ethnic and culturally transcending center.

Website:Centrum de middenweg website

New Muslim circle Calgary, Canada

For people who embrace Islam they offer a safe space for sharing experiences. Relevant discussions at bi-weekly meet-ups. Fellowship & peer support. Islamic basics.

Website: New Muslim Circle website

Convert Care Victoria, Australia 

Convert Care provides guidance and assistance to those inquiring about Islam, seeking support upon the path and wanting to develop a sustainable faith practice. We provide one-on-one consultations, tailored courses and social support gatherings to support new Muslims upon their faith journey.

Website: Convert care at Benevolence Australia

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