Your local Muslim community is generally where you will receive a warm and comforting welcome into Islam and discover opportunities to learn and be supported in your new found faith. This service connects you with registered support services in your area, and elsewhere in the UK, should you wish to explore facilities further afield.
Convert Care support groups in the UK register their services on the site, this information is verified and a page, specific to each service is added to the website, so that when you search for support, the details will appear in the search results.
You can also SEARCH by the SERVICES you may wish to access by simply selecting those, we must point out that what comes up may be further away than you hope or are able to travel to. The good news is however, that they may be accessible on-line.
You can explore a range of dedicated Convert Care facilities which provide for your particular needs.
All facilities provide contact details for direct contact and access on-line services
It is advisable to make contact with your nearest Convert Care facility where you can join a community and make friends so that your social as well as spiritual needs will be met.